December 2023
Reception to Year 6 enjoyed a puppet assembly telling us The Christmas Story. Thank you to NISCU for this great puppet show.
Easter Community Challenge
'We live to to learn , laugh and play and enjoy every single day- together in spirit'
It feels very strange not being in school and supporting each other through this difficult time, so we are so pleased you took part in this challenge where it feels like we are still that strong family community we are so proud to be a part of. On behalf of myself, staff and governors we would like to thank you, to wish you all good health and to let you know we are here for you through the coming weeks.
Below are all the different entries for each class plus, staff entries and a entries from other parts of our community such as staff's family, past pupils etc We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we have. It is very clear to see how much effort everyone has gone to and how much fun they have had making these. We will be awarding winners, but I have asked Teachers to help me choose, so watch this space for the results as the day goes on!
Good Luck Everyone!
The results are in !
It was soooooo difficult to choose, we really did have a hard time!
We have decided that everyone who entered but didn't win will get some chocolate when we return to school, we are sorry you can't have it now but we do not want to break the social distancing rules and want to keep everyone safe . (This will include the other people in our community too!)
For those lucky winners, you will receive a £5 Amazon e-voucher sent to your email today! Congratulations!
Thank you everyone!
Watch out for winners being announced!
School Council celebrate our Generosity with the food Bank Appeal