The second half of our Autumn term did not get any less busy than the first half. Our P.E. sessions saw us learning some footie skills from Tom, from Chris Wright services. We finished our phase 2 phonics and we are making super progress on our pathway to reading and writing. We learnt all about Hedgehogs- small nocturnal mammals, who have babies we call hoglets. We made poppy biscuits to remember people who had died during wars and in doing so helped keep us safe. Children in Need was celebrated by us coming to school in our pyjamas. In Art we created pictures in the style of Kandinsky.
We compared the festival of Bonfire Night to that of Divali. Our Christmas celebrations were many- our nativity was shown through social distancing over a couple of days. We made decorations for the village Christmas tree as well as our own trees at home. Mrs Benson made us some yummy food for our Christmas dinner and our Christmas parties - thank you Mrs Benson.
we look forward to our spring term but first we are going to enjoy our Christmas break with our friends and family.
A busy first half of the Autumn term 2021
Wow where has the first half term of the year gone? One day I was welcoming my new class and now I am looking at them and thinking how much they have settled and how much they have achieved. They are a super lot of children and I am enjoying every minute with them. Here is a little snap shot of what we have been up to.
After some of lockdown three restrictions were lifted,which allowed us to return to school, we had four weeks in school before the Easter break. We crammed a lot into those four weeks - we spent a lot of time re-establishing routines and expectations and enjoyed being back together - one of our friends left to join a new school but we were also joined by another friend, Enya, who made our band of eight compete. We enjoyed cricket with Cricket Chris, raised our chicks (a much enjoyed annual activity at this time of year), developed our knowledge of the Easter story through crafts and food technology. We shared lots of stories and competed some consolidation of maths concepts (we enjoyed a week on the census - held a classroom count as well as completing a small world ‘farm’ and ‘doll’s house’ census.
we hope you enjoy looking at some of the photographs and videos below. Bring on that summer term - after we have re charged our batteries of course !